Thursday, May 12, 2011

Care Package odds

Perk Chance (%) Hardline Pro chance (%)
Resupply 20 9
Spy Plane 15 9
Counter-Spy Plane 15 9
RC-XD 9 9
Valkyrie Rockets 5 9
Mortar Team 5 9
Sentry Gun 5 9
Sam Turret 5 9
Rolling Thunder 5 4
Grim Reaper 3 4
Napalm Strike 3 4
Blackbird 3 4
Attack Helicopter 3 4
Death Machine 2 3
Chopper Gunner 2 3
Dogs 1 1
Gunship 1 1

Above is a chart of the percentage of what you get out of care packages on average. I don't know if you guys ever use care package or not. But i do on occasion and id all was wonder what my odds were so now we know. Also this shows how it changes your odd once you get hardline pro. Makes your chance of getting something good with hardline even better out of a care package. Still low chance on getting dogs which i usually just use anyway getting 11 kills without dieing usually isnt that hard to do. Thanks for read please let me know your thoughts.


  1. Interesting.. i will search for more about this.

  2. I never played blackops and this is just confusing to me. But an xbox360 games blocg is nice. I'll read often here I guess ; )

  3. ok now it's definitly a time to get teh game

  4. black ops blog? following.

  5. Hm never knew the percentages, good find

  6. Napalm!

    I love me some napalm in the morning! The smell of it.. mmmmmmm

  7. That's pretty handy, cheers!

  8. I would use this if it weren't for PSN being down. Followed. Should be handy for when PSN is back up.

  9. As I haven't played the game this really looks strange to me. :p

  10. 1% for a gunship? I still think that's pretty good though

  11. wow you put in a lot of effort.

  12. Care packages come in handy in those tight situations!

  13. I love the feeling of getting a gunship :)

  14. i think i should start playing black ops again when psn comes up. following

  15. Very nice. Hardline Pro is a decent perk but seeing how it changes your odds of getting better killstreak rewards has motivated me to put it back on my classes!

  16. Nice, simple table, thanks for this!

  17. Every time I use a care package (rarely) I get nothing better than a counter uav.

  18. Ya like your spy and mortar combo, aye?

  19. Interesting to see the odds like that. I use hardline pro and almost always get something great (whether I have to change it or not).
